KKE(그리스사회민주노동당), 전국에 걸쳐 시위하며 봉기하다!!
2017.04.15 15:38
Demonstrations organized by the KKE all over the country
A call for the people to rise up against the anti-people offensive
"Another agreement, another round of looting. Enough is enough! Together with the KKE for our just cause, for our contemporary needs." With this slogan, thousands of the people responded to the call of the Party Organizations of the KKE all over the country and demonstrated (20/3) against the old and new anti-worker measures, when the Eurogroup meeting was still under way which aimed to finalize the anti-people agreement between the government and the imperialist unions of the EU and IMF.
The hundreds of actions of the KKE (rallies, protests, mass leafletings, visits to workplaces etc.) were the climax of a nationwide political activity and highlighted the need for an escalation of the militancy and for the people to join forces with the KKE against the anti-people offensive and the atmosphere of toleration and passivity being fostered by the government-EU-IMF.
Louiza Razou, member of the PB of the CC of the KKE and Secretary of the Attica Party Organization of the KKE. L. Razou stressed that the people, the working class had the ability to put a spanner in the works of the Eurogroup meetings that are frequently taking place in this period and are discussing the conditions of the offensive against the rights of the people. The people will achieve this through their militant interventions and struggles. "Just development" and "productive reconstruction" is SYRIZA's way of saying what SEV (the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises) also says and she noted and explained that the notorious "counter-measures" advertized by the government are in reality measures and reforms in favour of the business groups. She also made reference to the increasing sharpening of the antagonisms amongst the imperialists and stressed:"The political line that demands the smashing of labour rights and a cheap labour force behind the factory gates is also the political line that turns our children into cannon in the conditions of imperialist war."
After the rally there was a dynamic march to the parliament. _
댓글 3
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